(You’ll know the scene if you watch the movie). And I got extremely sad after the movie thinking about one of the scenes that was fairly traumatic for one of the husband characters. My girlfriend was laughing at a good number of the funny parts but got sad because we couldn’t currently be at that stage in our lives. As my girlfriend pointed out though, this movie is a landslide of emotions both during and after the viewing, especially since we are in a long distance relationship. We get to see couples struggling with trying for a baby, couples accidentally getting pregnant, and even couples who can’t conceive. The movie presents quite a good diversification of couples and situations that lead to having a child. What to Expect When You're Expecting at its heart is a funny and happy movie about different couples' relationships as they prepare for the next chapter in their lives. I will be trying to write a review every Saturday after the previous day’s Movie Night, so check back every now and then to see what we have watched! I will also add where we watched it so that if you and your partner would like to watch it, you don’t have to go searching for it.

I can’t promise I will always keep things spoiler free, but I will do my best not to give too much away. In my reviews I will write about why we chose the movie, how we each liked the movie, and what the movie means to us if anything. The list of movies below are all movies that my girlfriend and I have watched! My reviews are a little bit different than typical reviews. We sometimes stay up late into the night since there usually isn’t as much pressure to get up in the morning. Having Movie Night on Friday also allows us more time together. Movie Night for us is every Friday evening after we are both done with whatever work or school that we have had for the week. Movie night allowed my girlfriend and I to share parts of our lives with one another and get to know one another more intimately even before we officially started dating. Welcome to the Long Distance Movie Night! Movie Night is one of the most special things in my Long Distance relationship.