Nintendo jedi outcast cheats
Nintendo jedi outcast cheats

nintendo jedi outcast cheats

SetSaberDefense - Set lightsaber defensive level (1-3) SetSaberOffense - Set lightsaber offensive level (1-3) SetSaberThrow - Set lightsaber throw level (1-3) SetForceMindTrick - Mind Trick Level up Force (1-3)

nintendo jedi outcast cheats

SetForceAll - Sets Force Level of all abilities (1-3) SetForceLightning - Set Force Lightning level (1-3)

nintendo jedi outcast cheats

SetForceGrip - Set Force Grip level (1-3) SetForceSpeed - Set Force Speed level (1-3) SetForcePull - Set Force Pull level (1-3) SetForcePush - Set Force Push level (1-3) SetForceHeal - Set Force Heal level (1-3) SetForceJump - Set Force Jump level (1-3) G_dismemberment 1 - Turning dismemberment on (can be done in the setup if ui_iscensored = 0)Ĭg_thirdpersonvertoffset -5 - Move the camera verticallyĬg_thirdpersoncameradamp 0 - Cinematic fightingĬg_thirdpersonrange # - Change camera distance in third person (# = 1-9999 default=80)Ĭg_crosshairsize # - Change crosshair size (# = 0-99999 default 24)ĭ_slowmotiondeath 9 - Always Have A Matrix Kill (default 1)ĭ_npcfreeze 0 - Stop all NPC Actions (to restart it type "d_npcfreeze 0") G_dismemberProbabilities 0 - Disable the chance calculations for dismembering enemies with your lightsaber G_saberRealisticCombat 1 - Dismemberments Victory - End level / Will make kyle do something like flipping his weapon Undying - Sets health and armor max at 999 Where - Reveal where indicated entity is locatedĬontrol - Control any ally that is following you Setviewpos - Place camera at indicated coordinates Levelshot - Screenshot without the console window


Npc spawn - Spawn an NPC (See the list below)įly_xwing - Fly an X-Wing (it usually crashes the game)ĭrive_atst - Ride an ATST (to get out of ATST type the code again) Spawn - Spawn indicated item (See the list below) Give all - Give all weapons and health + armor at max You can then enter any of the following codes in the console: To enable cheats, while playing a game, bring down the console with + and type "devmapall" or "helpusobi 1".

Nintendo jedi outcast cheats